Transcription of the Round Table commoning/communing

Ausgabe #9

What practices constitute the commons? What are the conditions of the situated processes of commoning? What and how do we thereby learn? What would constitute a new sense of sharing, distributing, partaking? And, how can we take the idea of relationality seriously and institute structures of reciprocity between art, academia, and activism? To address these questions the round table commoning/communing brings together three projects focusing on urban practices of commoning.

Introducing sharing/learning. The Opening Speech

Ausgabe #9

This text was part of the opening to the symposium sharing/learning: methods of the collective in art, research and activism and was read on 28th June 2019, in English, by two members of the organizing team, as introductory words. The text deliniates the central questions from which the two-day gathering arises, as well as its methodologies and actors. Many formulations originate from previously written concept papers, which were used to present the project for various purposes. These in turn are informed by the many conversations that took place within the organizational team – a group of people whose constellation was shifting along the way – orally as well as in writing.